Tips to find a job in tech/IT (FE development)

Hi All,

I am a front-end developer with 4+ years of experience, a BSc in Computing and the JLPT N1. I don’t hold a valid visa to work in Japan and I am currently living in London. (I’m italian)

I plan to move to Japan in October/November and was wondering if you guys could give me some advices. What sites should I use to look for a job? Are there any good recruitment agencies that specialise in development jobs and deal with foreigners?

I have an english CV, the standard 履歴書 and 職務経歴書.



A good resource for frontend development jobs is an app called Wantedly. You’ll find job postings by both startups and rather big companies. The downaide is that usually posts don’t come with salary infos, so you’d ask for it directly.

Another good website, with cross-posting from wantedly is (but there you could find salary info too)

Given your degree and Japanese language knowledge you should find something interesting (well, it depends on your salary and position expectations).


Wantedly is a great place to look at. You can also find a few ads and a nice community on Canvas:

Paul’s mailing list of course have good openings (check out the roles at Squeeze he shared today).

A serious recruiting agency can be very difficult to find but I’d say Alexander Jenner’s team at Computer Futures is part of the good ones in Tokyo.

This is a small community, so I’d recommend directly reaching out to people on Linkedin and attending Meetups. This should quickly help you to find opportunities.