Junior or 1+ year experience jobs


I visited japan for a couple weeks last month and really enjoyed the country. I’ve always been fascinated by it and the culture, but I’m a bit anxious about things so I placed working there on hold till visiting. After visiting I really want to live/work in the country(which I do understand is much different than visiting), working abroad has always been dream to me.

In terms of experience, I am a bachelors in computer science from the US. After graduating I have been working in Health care as a software engineer for the past year. But is this enough experience to land a job in japan? Especially with the most basic Japanese(Really only know how to say common phrases right now)

My current job is mostly backend and Automation focused using weird languages that mimic other languages, but are made purely for healthcare(Pretty much A Python-esque, Java-esque, and a JavaScript-esque languages are what we use at my current job.) I’ve done an Internship when I was in college that was using React, Node.js, and JavaScript, but other than that I really only have experience in other languages, or at least not to a notable level.

More of just thinking about it and have been researching for the past few weeks. Regardless I can’t leave my current job until the end of February for some work commitments I have. But I wanted to learn the logistics behind it, and if I can do anything in the next couple months to make it more feasible. If anything I’m content with working in the US for a couple more years, if its not currently possible, but I definingly would prefer trying to work in Japan or at least try living there for an extended period of time.

More of just trying to think of the future, before I end up having to buy/rent a new place in a few months, because rent prices are very high where I live.


While there are some people who are able to come to Japan and find a job with only a year of experience, it’s more common for them to have at least a couple of years experience. It really comes down to the individual situation, so it’s hard for me to say what your chances are.

There’s no harm in applying for some roles and seeing what happens! Make sure to really refine your resume, making especially sure that you clearly discuss your accomplishments in your current role.

Having a job where you use weird and esoteric languages, and domain specific knowledge, can actually really help to make you stand out - it shows an ability to pick up unfamiliar concepts, and to solve problems that are probably harder than most others to Google around for an answer. Just be sure that you show the transferable nature of those skills (to make a hiring manager think you’re saying “if I can learn this, I can learn anything; if I can solve problems for this company, I can solve problems for yours”)

The only way that you can guarantee that you won’t find a job is if you don’t apply

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