Welcome to the Tokyo Dev Forum (Recruiter? Read me first)

I started writing about my experience of coming to Japan and finding a job as a Ruby developer back in 2011. Since then, I’ve gotten emails from countless developers wanting advice about different aspects of working in Japan. I’ve created this forum to give developers a place to ask questions about life here in public, which I hope will both make my replies useful to more people and allow other members of the community to chime in.

For recruiters: This forum is for discussing developer life in Japan. Please don’t post job postings or promote your services. If you’re interested in hiring developers in Japan, I run a separate mailing list for this.


Can I ask a question?

Yes, just post it as a new topic.

May I ask any questions?

Any questions related to working as a software developer in Japan are welcome. If you have a question, please post it as a new topic.